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Private James Gallie
Seaforth Highlanders
Private 5479 James Gallie was in the local territorials before the war and is in the Ross-shire Roll of Honour and his job was given as a chauffeur.
He was in the 4th battalion Seaforth Highlanders
He was killed on the 25th of December 1916

The Northern Times reports,
"Pte James Galllie, whose death in action was announced last week was engaged on the Populars Farm till last summer. He was highly esteemed by Mr and Mrs Munro as a faithful employee and he and Mrs Gallie were greatly liked neighbours. Much sympathy is felt and three children."
The war diary records no fighting or shelling for that day so it is likely he was shot by a German sniper who was on a hill.
He is buried at Adanac Cemetry.
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